Bring scheduling algorithms to life with our interactive visualizer.

Explore key scheduling algorithms like FCFS, SPN, and more...

Perfect for students, educators, and enthusiasts looking to deepen their understanding of process management.

User Guide

Understand how each button functions in the CPU scheduling visualizer.

➝ Manually add a process with arrival time & duration
➝ Auto-generate a set number of processes
➝ Select a scheduling algorithm (FCFS, RR, SPN, etc.)
➝ Enter the Time Quantum (TQ) value. Only enabled for Round Robin (RR).
➝ Enter the Context Switch (CS) time to account for process switching delays.
➝ Start the simulation
➝ Stop and reset the simulation
➝ Speed up the animation

User Guide

Hover over each item to learn more about its functionality.

Average Response Time: TBD

Average Wait Time: TBD

Process Arrival Duration Color Option